Real mentorship. Real People.

Real Critical Thought

The mentors and staff at HOPE at Novation Academy are committed to the success of your young adult. With a focus on life skills, critical thought and academic success, Novation Academy’s mentors walk through life alongside your student and are not afraid to help them overcome the day to day rigors of adult life, as they approach the start of an independent life.  

Find out more about these mentors below, and feel free to contact us with any questions you may have. 

Group of students from novation programs

Studies show that when parents, teachers, administrators & students are a cohesive community, they achieve far more than they do alone.  We encourage parents to spend time at the school, even teach a lesson if you’re qualified!  We deeply understand that your learner needs to know that you’re invested in them, and we will include you every step of the way, from consequences to celebrations.  

School isn't BORING

There’s no reason that students can’t learn while they have fun.  Gamified lessons, interactive experiments, and deep discussions lead to much higher rate of investment by your young adult. Jamie and Keagan are CONSTANTLY devising new and creative ways to drive lessons home.

We're a cohesive

The problem with traditional public school is that it’s formulaic.  It’s not the districts’ fault; they are overwhelmed. Novation Academy makes a TEAM out of you, your child, and faculty, including you in lessons and followup as it applies to your learner. 

We keep
it simple

We work one-on-one with students.  If we can’t teach them what they need, we find someone who can.  Is your 13 year old a trigonometry genius?  We’ll need to find someone who understands math in a deep way. We’re honest when the solution requires somethiing more than what we have ready to go.

We believe in
lifelong learning

Your child won’t stop learning for the rest of their lives, and neither will you!  We learn from students and they learn from us.  We utilize the equity of the experience of everyone connected to the school, and even some who are not!

The people behind our success

Jamie Pander - Site Director

Jamie Pander

Director and visionary

Keagan Lampo

Site manager / mentor

TJ Pander - Marketing Coordinator

Travis Pander

Marketing coordinator

To Be Announced

Site Coordinator

A HOPE Online Learning Academy Co-op School

HOPE Online Learning Academy

The HOPE educational program model provides high-quality curricula that meets or exceeds Colorado Academic Standards and federal Common Core standards. A learning model that allows students to work at their own pace. Licensed teachers who lead instruction. One-on-one community mentor support

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