Novation Academy Blog

Poignant articles written by Novation Staff

charter schools and your student
Novation Academy Blog

Community in Education: Exploring the Dynamics Across Schooling Options

Community The significance of community cannot be overstated in education. Communities that consist of students, parents AND teachers (with parents at the top of the hierarchy) play a pivotal role in shaping the learning environment, fostering social development, and supporting academic growth. Whether within traditional public schools, charter schools, or homeschooling setups, the presence of

Charter Schools Versus District Schools Table for novation academy
Novation Academy Blog

Why Charter Schools?

Why Charter Schools Offer Exceptional Education: A Comprehensive Comparison with Traditional Public District Schools Why charter schools are so effective is fairly apparent. There is an age-old need that parents have to give their children the very best education that is possible. For many parents, the options seem limited: homeschool or public school. Fortunately for

The trouble with school is that they give you the answer... then give you the exam. That's not LIFE.

-Robert Kiyosaki

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